Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para stand by en español


stand by verb

unfavorite favorite
atenerse a, cumplir con (una promesa, etc.); mantenerse aparte; estar preparado, estar listo (para un anuncio, un ataque, etc.)

Ejemplos de uso de
stand by verb

  • no matter how much people object, I will stand by my decision

stand verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
stood, has stood, is standing, stands
estar de pie, estar parado; poner, colocar; aguantar, soportar; estar; seguir

Ejemplos de uso de
stand verb

  • Don't stand near the window.
  • He was standing next to me.
  • All of the seats on the bus were taken so we had to stand.
  • He can stand using a cane.
  • He was standing in a puddle of water.
  • The deer stood still, listening for danger.
  • We had to stand in line for over an hour.
  • Two bowling pins were left standing.
  • A shovel and rake stood in the corner.
  • She stood the ladder against the house.
  • She was standing near the window.
¿Sabías esto?
  • Tenga en cuenta que la forma en el pasado es stood.

Traducción inversa para stand by

cumplir con  (una promesa, etc.)
estar listo  (para un anuncio, un ataque, etc.)
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